
"For nearly 20 years Tai Chi has been a big part of my life. It has taught me perseverance, and provided untold health benefits, including better flexibility, balance and an overall feeling of well-being. The instructors have been great, showing great patience! The social aspect is important as well. I've made new friends and always enjoy our group "discussions"!

Now, as one of the seniors in the club, I'm hoping to be able to continue for a long time yet! Also, as one who has lived with Fibromyalgia for a long time, I've been told by several medical professionals they can really see the difference this has made in my managing the pain and improving my overall quality of life."

                                                                                                                   - Betty

'I find tai chi chuan to be an excellent form of exercise. As I age, it helps maintain flexibility and general well-being. As a bonus, I feel it has slowed the progression of Parkinson's disease.'
                                                                       -from a '50+' class member who has been with
                                                                        us for close to 20 years

" I began practicing Wu style Tai Chi Chuan a little over 20 years ago at the age of 30. My back had been in spasm for approximately 15 years; I was grinding my teeth and my neck and shoulders were so tied up in knots that I was having headaches all the time; I 'ate Tylenol by the bottle' and had to pull my foot up by my pant-leg in order to get my shoes on/off. Something had to change...and it did.
Today, I am just over 50 and my quality of life now is so much better than it was at 30 it is hard to believe.

The practice of tai chi chuan has changed my life in so many ways:
 I am more relaxed (both physically and mentally).
 I am much more aware of my body in space- I can (and do) work 8 hours a day 5 days a week at  
   a desk/computer, with no physical repercussions.
 It gives me the energy not to just get through my days but to enjoy them and look forward to
    getting to my tai chi class in the evening.

After a full days work, it is a great way to unwind."
                                                                                                ~ Mary Kennedy

"I had watched people doing Tai Chi in parks all over Canada when I travelled for work. Learning Tai Chi was on my 'bucket list" and I wasn't long enrolling in classes at Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy after I retired in 2002. I have enjoyed every class since. I have benefited from the improvement in my balance: both body and mind. Following total hip surgery almost 2 years ago, I was back to class in 3 months. Recently, I underwent major abdominal surgery and once again, back to class in 3 months. Today, I continue classes while undergoing chemo treatments. I have truly benefited from my Tai Chi classes. The social aspect is great as well. Any regrets? Yes,I should have started sooner."

                                                                                                      A true believer,